How to Install & Use Geyser in Bathroom (A Complete Guide)

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How To Use Geyser In Bathroom

A water heater or geyser is the most used home appliance nowadays and it is a very fast and convenient way to heat water that’s why everyone wants to buy it.

Along with its increasing demand, the number of questions in the mind of the customers who want to buy it for the first time is also increasing.

We are going to discuss some of them here, such as: What is a geyser? How does a geyser work? How to install a geyser in bathroom? how to use geyser in bathroom and how to maintain it for power saving.

What is Geyser?

If you take the word “Geyser” literally, then ‘Geyser’ means the spring of hot water. The word “Geyser” is taken from the Icelandic word “Geysir”, meaning “to gush.”

But, when you take it in another sense, the geyser is the name of a type of household appliance which is used to heat water for various purposes.

How does a Water Heater/Geyser work?

How a Water Heater/Geyser Works
How a Water Heater/Geyser Works

Before going to explain how geysers work, first, let’s know the different types of water geysers that are sold in the market. Those are – Electric Geyser, Gas Geyser, and Solar Geyser.

Among these three, the Electric and the Gas Geysers are sold most in the market.

You can read this: Gas Geyser vs Electric Geyser – Which is better?

Now, let’s discuss, how does water heater/geyser works, but before that, have a look at the diagram below.

How does Geyser Works
How does Geyser Works (Source: Landmark)

Both electric geysers and gas geysers work in the same way, the only difference is that electric geysers convert electrical energy into heat energy and gas geysers convert gas energy into heat energy.

There is an inlet and an outlet pipe attached to the tank of the geyser. The inlet pipe is used to let the cold or normal water in and the outlet for hot water out.

The tank is structured to preserve the hot water in it for a long time. The tank is made with metal like copper or stainless steel. The inner side of the tank is coated with an anti-corrosion coating for hot water insulation.

The electric heating element in electric geyser and Gas Burner in gas geyser is given to heat up the water and these are controlled by thermostats. The thermostats prevent the heat from reaching above the set temperature value.

The temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valve, which is given in the tank to keep the pressure inside the water heater within safe limits.

The anode rod is given in the geyser to protect the metal lining inside of your water heater tank to prevent the explosion of corrosion over time.

Most people often ask, how to remove water from a geyser? or how to empty the water heater/geyser? To remove the water or to empty the geyser, the Drain Valve is given at the bottom of the geyser. 

Whenever you need to replace the element of the geyser or need to move the geyser from one place to another, you can easily remove the water or can empty the tank through the Drain Valve.

This Video can help better to understand “How does geyser work?” Watch The Video:

How to Install Water Heater/Geyser in the Bathroom

Most geyser companies provide free installation services after purchasing a geyser. If you buy from any online shopping site like Amazon and Flipkart then you will get this type of information mentioned in the description of the products

Note: Geyser is a heavy home appliance. It can be dangerous If it’s not installed properly. Therefore for safety reasons, don’t try to install it yourself. But before calling the technician you can consider the following point yourself.

Some factors to consider before the Installation of Water Heater/Geyser

How to Install Geyser in the Bathroom

Decide the space for installation first:

Before you call a technician to install the geyser on the wall, you should measure it to make sure there is the proper space for installation according to its size and capacity.

If the place where you want to install the geyser will have a good space, you can comfortably do the cleaning and servicing as and when required in the future.

Special instructions must be taken if the wall is hollow. First, you dig out the space, and then you need to fill it with some cement or concrete to make it hard.

Ensure adequate height from the floor:

After determining the place for installation, you need to be aware of the sufficient height from the floor to the roof.

The geyser should be installed at a height of at least 1.8 meters from the wet areas of the floor so that your head can’t hit the geyser surface.

If the height of the roof of your bathroom is not good enough then you should go with a Horizontal geyser. Because the vertical geyser should be installed at an optimum height that it could be turned off when needed.

Switch and Connection:

During the installation of the electrical connection for an electric geyser, you must be very careful about electrocution. To avoid this, the Power On/Off switch should be far away from the wet area of the bathroom and the connection should be protected by the MCB to protect against power fluctuations and overloads.

Like the electric geyser, you should be careful while installing the gas geyser. Just like with electric geysers, you should keep the gas cylinder in a gas geyser far away from the geyser unit.

Water Pressure and Pipeline

If you want good pressure in the water flow then ensure that there is not an obstacle in the water connection pipes. Make sure the pipe of the water connection should be clean and clog-free.

Always use high-quality pipes, which are often provided with geyser or recommended by the brand. Never try to save money in this area by buying any other budget and plastic pipe available in the market. (Steel Pipes are always recommended).

If your home is in a place where water pressure is a problem, then you can consult your technician on whether you need to get a pressure pump to increase the pressure.

Youtube video reference for the installation of Electric Water Heater/Geyser

Bajaj Electric Water Heater/Geyser Installation
Youtube video reference for the installation of Gas Water Heater/Geyser

How to use geyser in bathroom (A Step by Step Guide)

How to use Geyser
How to use Geyser

After completing the geyser installation, please overview the manual of the geyser that comes with the boxes.

  • After the installation of the geyser, you will notice that there are two types of pipes connected between the geyser and your water tap.
  • Among those, one is the inlet water pipe through which normal water enters to warm up, and the other is the outlet water pipe from which hot water comes out for your use.
  • Make sure there is water flowing into the geyser and do not open the outlet as your first action.
  • You can also observe that there are two safety valves that protect the geyser from blasts during misuse or technical glitches.
geyser safety valve
geyser safety valve
  • People generally use storage geysers in the bathroom, and it takes approximately 20-25 minutes. Therefore, it would be good if you turn it on approximately 15 minutes before use.
  • Your geyser has two lights: green and red. The green light stays on during heating, and the red light indicates overheating. Check the manual for specific instructions as systems may vary between models.
  • Bathroom geysers come with a thermostat that prevents water from overheating and it has feature to automatically turns off the geyser once a specific temperature is reached.
Youtube video reference on How to use geyser in bathroom

How to use geyser in bathroom to save power

Avoid standing losses

Try to prevent heat loss through the surface of the geyser so that the water stays hot for a longer period of time, so you don’t have to turn it On as often and this will save your energy.

Use intelligently according to your need

The more geysers you use, the more energy will be consumed. Therefore, always use the geyser for the right amount of water at the right temperature as per the requirement.

Always check the thermostat temperature

The thermostat works to keep the water inside the geyser warm at a specific temperature. You can set this temperature manually.

For example, You set the temperature of the thermostat to 60 degrees and if the temperature drops, the electrical element inside your geyser will activate and remain active until the temperature reaches 60 degrees.

Maintenance Tips for Water heater/Geyser

How to Maintain the geyser
How to Maintain the geyser
  • Don’t keep it running for a long time as modern geysers heat the water faster than older geysers. 
  • Always switch the geyser off when your work is done. This will increase the lifespan of your unit.
  • Always set the lower temperature value. The advantage of setting a low temperature is that the water heats up quickly and the water heater consumes less energy. 
  • If you set the lower temperature then the warm water releases from the geyser, which also reduces the chances of accidents due to hot water.
  • The anode rod protects the water geyser tank from corrosion and you should replace it every few years.
  • Always use metallic pipe instead of any plastic pipe, it will not only be safer but will last longer

Answers to frequently asked questions related to water heaters/geysers

How Much Time a does Geyser take To Heat Water?

Gas Geyser: Gas geysers take almost 30 to 40 minutes.
Electric Geyser: Electric geysers take almost 1 hour

What is the ideal geyser temperature?

The ideal geyser temperature should be between 60 to 65 degrees.

What is the use of a thermostat in a geyser?

The thermostat works to keep the water inside the geyser warm at a specific temperature. If the temperature drops, it will activate automatically and remain active until the temperature reaches a specific value.

Which geyser is the best for the bathroom?

If you want to buy a geyser especially for the bathroom then you should buy a storage water geyser.

What will happen if a geyser is on but there is no water in it?

When there is no water supply you will not get hot water even if the electric supply is on. But the thermostat will keep heating water stored in the tank and will switch off on reaching set temperature. This process keeps continuing as long as the power supply is not switched off.

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AK Singh

I'm a home enthusiast. Earlier I had to live alone due to my career. During that time, I became interested in products that enhance home and kitchen comfort, and exploring gadgets and accessories for it became my passion. Now I share my experience and knowledge on Dearhouse. Click for About-us

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. karan

    i have a 4bathrooms in my home and all of hot water pipe conncet to main gyser point my bathroon is ground and fisrt floor and my gyser point is first oint so what is the best option for my house gas gyser, electiric gyser, solar water heater i am confused

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